Usually these Trap Metal tracks cut right to the chase. But Manifest0 introduces his latest single titled Swipe First, featuring the big homie Mikey Rotten with new energy and dare I say it, transcendence. 13 seconds of some heavenly alien string instruments and no talking build up the pivotal moment Manifest0 bitch slaps you violently and with vengeance. Bringing you crashing back down to earth with a scream rap banger we can all relate and rage to. The artwork by legendary underground underdog Roma Jonson himself, shines bright and bold as a solid move, to make sure this song gets heard. And we have tour beast Mikey Rotten sealing the deal with some shadow vocals and a co sign by hopping on Manifesto’s track. Mikey Rotten, for those of you who don’t know, is another underground legend who tours and works with heavy hitters like Xavier Wulf, Eddy Baker, and Idontknowjeffery. And he is known for only hoping on tracks and collaborations he actually likes. So this single not only sounds great, (I give it a 10 out of 10 btw) it also has a lot of established creatives who helped create it and back it. Good job Manifest0! I added your new single Swipe First to the Trap Metal Alliance playlist AND the Trap Metal Archive plalist because this is something Im going to be listening to from now on.
Awe and some…