SF – Yo Thanks for letting us interview you. State us your stage name and where are you from?
Ghoulavelii – Appreciate u! I’m Ghoulavelii (pronounced: gool-uh-velly) , I’m from Seattle.
SF – That’s a sick name btw crazy rare and different! How did you come up with your name? Were you in any bands before you started doing TrapMetal?
Because your vocals are perfect. You’re a Metal vocalist veteran!
Ghoulavelii – I was always into some dark shit growing up , so when I decided to start rapping I wanted a name that reflected my roots. I never sang in a band , but I played in plenty throughout high school. Did a few tours too. Mainly hardcore bands , but it was a couple deathcore joints too that I was in.
SF – Hell yea man we all have a dark side that we gotta embrace unique name easy to remember let’s go!
Fell in Love with death core since early middle school ever since.
What’s it like growing up there? do they have a music scene?
Ghoulavelii – Yea dude I loved all that old MySpace deathcore shit. I still play it from time to time lol
It’s cold , gloomy and not too much to do unless you like bar hopping with the same 10 ppl every weekend . Music scene out there comes and goes . Lots of good bands from the Seattle area though. Rap scene is non existent , we stirred the pot and they fumbled it once we left . If you know you know
SF – Same I remember bands like Jerome, Arsonists Get All The Girls, when Black Dhalia Murder, Chelsea Grin, Suicide Silence came out it was insane lol great time to be around. I miss those Myspace death core days even when BMTH first came out haha! I understand what you mean with the bar part and rap scene. Who’s supporting you and a big part of your career to where you are right now? If you can tour with anyone in the world today who do you have in mind to cause hell with who would it be?
Ghoulavelii – I owe it all to my fans/supporters , my family , my friends . None of this shit would’ve been possible without em . I feel like a tour with Death Grips would be too fun , too crazy .
SF – Yea man shouts out to the ones that helped us to get where we are today our beloved supporters, friends, family! That be awesome I can picture that perfectly fr! What’s up your sleeve with the new content? When can we expect it?
Ghoulavelii – Been workin on this album , the “Blvck album” . Metallica did it , Jay Z did it , now I’m doing it . My best music fr. No dates yet.
SF – Badass I love it! Oh shitt that sounds intense already! can’t wait to hear it. Yes indeed now it’s Ghoulavelii time. Where do you see yourself in the future from now in a few years?
Who’s behind your cover art, brand, logos? Super gnarly blends well with you perfectly
Ghoulavelii – I dont dwell on the future or the past , I like to live in the now . I’m the brains and I design most of the merch , but I got a couple artists that do my logos .
SF – Damn you nailed it dude! Hell yea live now think later type vibe. Awesome yo I understand if you want that info to yourself due to personal reasons I don’t blame you. What age did you get tattoos? What’s the story behind them? Any Meanings?
Ghoulavelii – everything means everything.
SF – Well since we’re wrapping it up here any shout outs and stuff you’d like to say before we finish?
Ghoulavelii – I’d like to give a shout out to Midnight society & Blvck circle 🙂
SF – Awesome! We appreciate having you and rock n roll keep up the great work. Love your content
Later dude
Ghoulavelii – Peace be with you