SF – What’s up Thank you for letting us interview you. what they call you and what city you from?
MOTLEY – Yea no problem at all mane, my name is motleyreigns and I’m from Los Angeles, California
SF – How did you come up with your name? What’s the music scene in your city like and do you see any potential? Are there ups and downs?
MOTLEY – came up with my name because motley translates to jester colors and I feel like as the artist we are the jester to the listeners and I put reigns in the end signifying that I make music for myself and not to appease the general population.
I had a lot of struggles doing vocals originally but after working on them for a year or two I feel like I have finally gotten a sound I really like. The biggest down was definitely drugs because I used to be a heavy drug addict and now I’ve gotten more chill about it but my music has a lot of topics of abuse with drugs and relationships in general. Also the music scene in LA is so huge, there are at least 10 underground shows going on every day of the weekend if you look for them right
SF – Wow that’s deep I felt that bro. Unique I love it! Always important to perfect the craft much as you can daily and glad your better now mentally and now you have a platform to tell the youth about your mistakes in general. The scene out there is evolving so much which is amazing. Who’s a big part of your career to where you are now? When did you start taking your career more serious? What are your inspirations/influences?
MOTELY – I started taking music a lot more serious around 2019-2020, That’s when I started dropping songs and collating with way more producers. Also my biggest influences are kap bambino, black marble, tr/st, rick Rubin, and the flashbulb.
SF – Hell yea shouts out to art fr! there’s no artists w/o a fire producer bro yea im familiar w those artist esp kap/black marble wow talk about a vibe haha! If you could tour with any band who would it be and why? Should we be expecting any visuals, projects from you soon? What’s your daily rituals before creating like?
MOTLEY – Thank you man! If I could tour with any artist I would be with nine inch nails or kap Bapino because I feel like I carry a similar energy with my music and I think it would go together nicely, And yes I got a big visual project coming up hella soon. main rituals before creating is green tea, making my room hella dark, then just getting into the vibe to create some shi.
SF – Yes of course man! It’s never too late to be something great. Real recognize real. Damn speaking of kap it’s sad he only put out a small amount of music crazy to see this day how he still has supporters that appreciate his presence/art. NIN was crazy back in the 90s my uncle told me. Let’s go can’t wait when those drop and I love it fr green tea/dark rooms type beat haha. Where do you see yourself within 2025? What are your dreams in life? Do you have tattoos? How many? Who’s behind your cover art etc? Super gnarly btw bro this interview is gas! Haha
MOTLEY – Ayyye im glad you’re vibing! n 2025 I hop to be able to support myself fully from my music and be producing and making music full time. And Yuuh I have 16 tattoos, And all my cover arts I actually make myself, I try to reflect how it the song “looks” in my head because I have synesthesia so when I hear songs I sometimes see images or colors with them too
SF- Haha hell yeah dude! That’s motivational shit right there fr damn that’s fire which ones hurt most and which hurt less? Loving the DIY energy gotta do something if you want it done right. That’s trippy fr I can tell you fw psyecheldelics idk why lol and What do you want in life? Idk if you get this before you kinda look like keaganhoffman a lil HAHAHAHa my bad I just thought of that bro super based. Since we’re almost finished wrapping this fire interview up any shout outs and stuff you’d like lay on wax and such feel free.
MOTLEY – Oh Yuuuuh i definitely fuck wit psychedelics heavily I used to shrooms way too much lmao. And my most painful tattoos were definitely the Lilith on my leg and Russian church on my ribs and the least was everything on my upper arm for sure. And I appreciate the Keegan Hoffman comment and Also for like a closing statement anxiety isn’t real, it’s a trap to stop you from doing what you want to do, anything that makes you scared or anxious is something you probably should do
SF – Most deff my g those my personal favs lmao damn near every underground creator fucks with psyechelics haha. Damn the leg/ribs hurt the most I heard, Russian church? That’s sick af bro! Yea fasho it’s obv ya’ll might be related. I like how you put that into a such good sentence about anxiety, we can overcome anything we put our minds to type beat. Alright bro you take care keep going crazy. MOTLEY REIGNS everybody round of applause! Peace be with you
MOTELY – Ayye big thanks g i really appreciate that!
And for you hitting me up for the interview and shi